The Federation of St George's RC Primary School with Our Lady & St Peter RC Primary School

Our Lady and Saint Peter RC Primary School

Children at the Centre ~ Jesus at the Heart

Saint George’s RC Primary School

We Love, Live, Learn in the Light of Christ.

George Street, Bridlington, East Riding of Yorkshire YO15 3PS

01262 670138

Our Lady and St Peter RC Primary Academy

Children at the Centre ~ Jesus at the Heart

The School Day


Morning Session 08.40 – 12.15
Afternoon Session 13.15– 15.15

Total Teaching Hours per day: 5 hours 35 minutes

Children should not arrive at school prior to 8.30am as there is no supervision available until this time.
(Unless they are coming to Breakfast Club which starts at 7.45am for a cost of £1.50)

On arrival at school the children will be collected by their teachers at the gates. If the weather is bad, children may be let into school and go straight into their own classrooms. Children in Early Years line up at the EYFS gate under their parents’ supervision until the bell children are brought into the classroom.

Children arriving late or mid-session should enter by the main entrance via the office.

All children should be collected from school by a responsible person. If someone different from usual is collecting your child, please inform the teacher or school office. If someone unfamiliar comes to collect your child, we will challenge them. If you need to collect your child early, for any reason, please ensure you sign your child out at the school office before leaving and remember to sign them in again if you return them to school mid-session.

We request where possible you arrange appointments for your children out of school hours, as these can be very disruptive to the school day.