The Federation of St George's RC Primary School with Our Lady & St Peter RC Primary School

Our Lady and Saint Peter RC Primary School

Children at the Centre ~ Jesus at the Heart

Saint George’s RC Primary School

We Love, Live, Learn in the Light of Christ.

George Street, Bridlington, East Riding of Yorkshire YO15 3PS

01262 670138

Our Lady and St Peter RC Primary Academy

Children at the Centre ~ Jesus at the Heart

Year 5


Welcome to Year 5

During the Autumn Term we will be learning all about World War 1. We started the topic looking at the assassination of Franz Ferdinand and how this led to the start of the war. The children have worked in groups to act the assassination out and will then create a video which will be sent home. Art will also be linked into the war. We will be writing of genres such as newspapers, diaries and letters. We will also start to read the whole class text, Stay Where You Are and Leave by John Boyne.

This term the children have learnt all about the diocese and the role of the bishop. They also thought about how they can continue the mission of Jesus in their lives. The next two RE topics are Memorial Sacrifice and Sacrifice.

The Maths units this term are:

Multiplication and Division, Fractions, Decimals and Percentages. The whole school follows the White Rose Scheme of work for maths.

The children are encouraged to read their school reading book at home up to 5 times during the week (the reading record must be signed by an adult) and the children then receive a merit on their bookmark and move up on the Reading Ladder. The children can earn prizes for a completed bookmark and for the reading record.

In Year 5 the class also have a class effort chart where they can earn rewards for being on green by the end of the week or for 2 places before green to earn a special playtime or reward time.

At the end of each half term the children can also earn up to two 45 minute reward times (when they can bring in toys or play on the laptops) for completing the following activities: Prodigy Maths or Read Theory. (These are optional for homework but if they would like reward time they are encouraged to complete the activities as much as they can at home or in homework club).

The children also receive spellings to learn, practice and write in sentences each Friday and they need to return them by the following Friday.

Homework Club is on a Tuesday lunchtime for those children who find it difficult to complete homework/reading at home.

The children are encouraged to complete research/writing at home about the topics we are learning about.

PE is taught by Mr Cox on a Thursday and the children are also taking part in Rugby with Mr Fulton on a Friday afternoon.

In the Spring Term the topic will be World War One and in the Summer Term South America and The Mayans.


If you require any additional information do not hesitate to contact Mrs Clarke.

Click here for Curriculum Overview for Year 5