The Federation of St George's RC Primary School with Our Lady & St Peter RC Primary School

Our Lady and Saint Peter RC Primary School

Children at the Centre ~ Jesus at the Heart

Saint George’s RC Primary School

We Love, Live, Learn in the Light of Christ.

George Street, Bridlington, East Riding of Yorkshire YO15 3PS

01262 670138

Our Lady and St Peter RC Primary Academy

Children at the Centre ~ Jesus at the Heart

New website coming soon !

Welcome to Our Lady and Saint Peter Catholic VC Academy

As Executive Head Teacher, I believe in the friendly, welcoming environment that characterises our school. When we welcome the child we welcome the family. We hope that anyone visiting our school will also feel the warmth and openness of our welcome. Relationships are very important to us and we do everything we can to encourage positive relationships built on a sense of empathy, trust and honesty.

The education children receive at Our Lady's has Children at the Centre – Jesus at the Heart; we are acknowledged in our local community as a good Catholic school with strong traditions and a culture of inclusiveness. We recognise, through worship, through the liturgy and all aspects of learning and teaching, that every member of the school brings his or her own special gifts and talents to our community. We encourage children to use these to take ownership of their learning and to develop to their full potential. All staff encourage children to have a love of learning and to develop an enquiring mind.  We offer a broad, creative curriculum delivered through a wide range of teaching styles, extended learning opportunities and outdoor teaching, to ensure that every child's needs are catered for.

You are always welcome in school whether it is to share in a school event, to support a FRIENDS function or to express a concern.  If you would like to make an appointment to see a member of staff please telephone the school office and we will do everything we can to accommodate you.

Please contact the school office if you would like paper copies of any information from our website. 


Executive Headteacher  Mrs Angela Spencer

Our Lady and Saint Peter Catholic Primary Academy

George Street


YO15 3PS

Tel:(01262) 670138



Our Lady & St Peter Catholic School -

A Voluntary Catholic Academy

Our Lady and St. Peter's VC Academy is a member of the St Cuthbert's Roman Catholic Academy Trust 

Registered office: St Mary's College, Cranbrook Avenue,

Company Number: 09023802 ( England & Wales)

Chair of the Board of Trustees: Mr D Laws


Have a look at the wonderful work that goes on at Our Lady and St Peter VC Academy on our school facebook page:

Come and see our Early Years Classroom

Latest Events Calendar Events

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Calendars page(s): Events Calendar >>

Have a look at the wonderful work that goes on at Our Lady and St Peter VC Academy on our school Facebook page:

Building the Kingdom

We are currently taking part in Year Three of this programme.

Building the Kingdom puts Christ at the centre of all our subjects. Children are given the opportunity to explore big questions about life and faith. It encourages children to be creative, to develop their own opinions, personalities and helps them to develop their own unique talents and gifts God has given. Children also look at how they can be stewards of our Earth, how they can take care of our planet and what they can do to help our local community.

A particular focus this year is developing children as ‘Leaders’. Through our weekly Team Assemblies, each colour team captain and vice-captain are encouraged to choose a child who has ‘shone’ throughout the week. This could involve helping others, been kind, caring, polite, sharing, been a good friend or just shining in Gods light. At the end of each Friday those ‘shining children’ are invited to have hot chocolate and biscuits with Mrs Clarke

Welcome to our school - a video made by the Digi Leaders

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